Henry Welling Magic

Africa's Best Teen Magician

TikTok Star (@henrywelling)

From the depths of a 5 year life as a streetkid living on the streets of the Nyendo, the most dangerous slum in Uganda, after years of torture and abuse, has arisen, one of the best new teen magicians globally. Henry has millions of views of his content on Likee, Instagram and TikTok, his hashtags #henrywelling and #henrywelling magic have more than 13.3 million views on TikTok alone, millions of likes and over a 150,000 followers across the social media platforms.

In 2020, Henry was selected as the only teen magician to participate in the International Brotherhood of Magicians to represent Africa. He was inspired so much by the world famous magicians who taught the program and its founder Lance Burton, that he committed all his Covid-19 enforced lockdown time away from the shutdown education system in Uganda, learning, honing and practicing his craft up to 14hrs a day every day. In 2021, he was once again selected as the only teen magician from Africa.

Henry is 15 yrs old. Henry started magic when his new Dad, who rescued him from the slum, bought him a Magicians box from Dollar Tree in Canada for Christmas of 2019 and brought it to Uganda. His Dad performed for him the first cups and balls trick and Henry got hooked! He is blazing a fast path to international fame and has a dream to one day compete on Americas Got Talent, and follow in the footsteps of his magician mentors and heroes, Lance Burton, ShinLim, Mat Franco, Colin Cloud, Jessica Jane and many more who have mentored him and encouraged and challenged him these past two short years.